Program Stories



JCCA Pride 2023

JCCA Pride 2023

It’s been a spirited and busy Pride month at JCCA, and as June draws to a close we’re taking a moment to look back on everything it held. First, our LEAP division held a Pride event for young people in JCCA's Foster Home Services programs, featuring karaoke, raffles,...

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Fair Futures

Fair Futures

We’ve all been there––adulting is hard. Managing finances, applying for college, finding a promising job or a new apartment––and taking care of your heart and mind along the way. It’s….a lot. With Fair Futures, foster youth don’t have to do it all alone. Fair Futures...

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Season of Promise, Season of JCCA

Season of Promise, Season of JCCA

For many of us, the holidays are time to connect and catch up with loved ones. Natasha, a JCCA client coming home from her first semester at SUNY Oswego, has many new experiences to share with her family and friends this season—and she’s also sharing them with us. In...

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Campus Staff Appreciation 2022

Campus Staff Appreciation 2022

On a cloudy Wednesday in May, JCCA’s residential staff met on our beautiful, 160-acre Pleasantville campus for the first in-person Staff Appreciation Day since the COVID-19 pandemic began. After grabbing lunch orders from two food trucks parked outside, the staff...

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