Family Support

Kym Mayo
Assistant Vice President, Community Services, Preventive 


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Second Chances

Second Chances is a specially designed program for families and youth, ages 12-17, who are currently or have previously been at risk for involvement with police or the courts. It provides counseling services, support, advocacy and community linkages to prevent entry and re-entry into the juvenile justice system.

“My granddaughter started having fights at school and church, and would come home with scratches all over her. She didn’t listen to me and complained all the time. Finally, someone recommended JCCA and that turned everything around for us.

Mable, Second Chances Client

Second Chances helps youth and their families with such issues as:

  • Truancy
  • Suspensions
  • Substance abuse
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Parent/child conflict
  • Mental health concerns


What does the program provide?

  • Assessments
  • Free short-term counseling services
  • Referrals and linkages to on-site and community-based services
  • Educational support and substance abuse referrals
  • Advocacy
  • Family support services (entitlements, legal, immigration)
  • Serves as liaison between social services and probation
  • Vocational services
  • Anger management


This program is an initiative of the City Council of New York and New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.