Your support will go to:
Healthy and fun enrichment programs like dance, guitar lessons, and art therapy that provide additional opportunities for our kids to heal and build self-esteem.
Supporting young people's career and education goals through tutoring, internships, mentoring, and coaching.
Helping keep our youth active and entertained during the winter months with exciting activities like a winter carnival, brunch with Santa and a New Year’s Eve Party.
Supporting campus-wide recreational activities and events like camping trips, outdoor movie nights and carnivals.
Every donation goes directly toward real-life support for children and families in JCCA’s care. The programs and services listed above are representative examples of the assistance JCCA will be able to provide to its clients and families with each donation. JCCA reserves the right to allocate funds to where they are most needed and will have the greatest impact. For information about the event, call 212-558-9914 or email hope@jccany.org.
Your support will go to:
Healthy and fun enrichment programs like dance, guitar lessons, and art therapy that provide additional opportunities for our kids to heal and build self-esteem.
Supporting young people's career and education goals through tutoring, internships, mentoring, and coaching.
Helping keep our youth active and entertained during the winter months with exciting activities like a winter carnival, brunch with Santa and a New Year’s Eve Party.
Supporting campus-wide recreational activities and events like camping trips, outdoor movie nights and carnivals.
Every donation goes directly toward real-life support for children and families in JCCA’s care. The programs and services listed above are representative examples of the assistance JCCA will be able to provide to its clients and families with each donation. JCCA reserves the right to allocate funds to where they are most needed and will have the greatest impact. For information about the event, call 212-558-9914 or email tree@jccany.org.