Residential Practice in COVID


Facilities play a critical role in standard infection control practices. Routine cleaning should be continued with additional attention provided to high-risk areas. Frequently touched surfaces such as counters, door handles, handrails, faucets, light switches, remote controls, shared electronics such as computers and smartphones should be regularly disinfected throughout the day. Please refer to this guide for specifics and for a link to EPA-approved products for use against coronavirus.

In addition to vigilant sanitation protocols, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be provided in residential settings. Appropriate PPE consists of gowns, face masks, protective eyewear (face shield or goggles), and gloves. PPE should be kept together in a central location with signage posted on proper donning and doffing, such as these. Provide a waste container with a lid for PPE disposal. If PPE needs to be reused, please refer to the NYC DOHMH’s recommendation for this. Track PPE use daily to assess supply and ordering needs. The CDC has a burn rate calculator for this. Each residential site may want to implement a tracking form that can be submitted regularly to the purchasing manager. Example of one form here.

[Include links to online/YouTube training? Ensure staff is trained not only in PPE use but also in handwashing and hand hygiene.]



Guidelines on the use of face masks COVID-19
COVID-19 ACS Face covering guidance
Strategies for the conservation of respiratory PPE
Guidance for use of GC-2010 Syntec Sanitizing Spray Concentrate
Interim COVID Environmental cleaning guidance group residential settings
Critical supply inventory
PPE Sequence
Cleaning Guidance Non-HealthCare Settings